// Why give a damn?

Why should you give a damn about the way you look? For the same reason you should take a shower in the morning: you’re going to be interacting with other people. No matter what you want to tell yourself, people all around you are making snap-judgments about who you are every moment of the day. They probably don’t give a shit about what you ate last night, so if you’re proudly
displaying that pizza stain on your shirt, you’ve got some work to do. That being said, it’s not as simple as doing laundry; it’s about 
what each piece of clothing says about you, and what they say as a complete unit.

Confusing? Daunting? Neither? Fine. That’s why we’re here.

When you wake up in the morning you are faced with a brand new day; nothing is set in stone. So when you take the time to put together a cohesive outfit, you are helping your mind get ready for the challenges you will face. If you look good, you feel good. It’s really as simple as that.

It’s not just speculation either. Ray A. Smith of the Wall Street Journal writes: “A number of recent studies suggest that dressing up for work in a suit or blazer could do wonders for an employee’s productivity.” Everyone has heard the idiom “dress for success,” but it’s not just words, it’s a real living, breathing concept. Smith goes on to explain that “the effects of wearing nice clothes can be as much internal as external.” So in short, think about what your clothes do for you, and how you feel when interacting with other people. 


If you take the time to dress yourself in the morning, it’s significantly easier for colleagues and superiors to place their trust in you. Now that may sound like bit of a leap, but follow me here: if you prove that you take the time each and every morning to ensure that you look professional, then you’re indicating an acute attention to detail. Wearing a belt that matches your shoes, or a watch that compliments your jacket is meaningful. Believe it or not, these are the things that people notice, and the things that give you an edge.

As I’m sure you can tell, I think about this a lot. And I mean a lot. (Just ask my poor girlfriend.) This blog is going to be a place to record some of my thoughts, in the hope of making a difference in the way that the men of our generation approach their wardrobe. I’m giving myself a challenge: I’m going to try and post once a week for two months straight. Hopefully you’ll stick around.

Oh, and one last thing: it’s probably cheaper than you think. I’m going to spend a lot of time focusing on how to get the right styles at the right price.

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