PWaD // Golden Fox Moc Toe

This post is the first in the Products Worth a Damn review series. I’ll be examining boots, jeans, shirts, jackets, leather conditioner, etc. that I personally own and use. If you have any products that you’d like to see reviewed (especially something you’ve seen on my IG), drop me a line.

There are some people who treat their favorite pair of boots like a child. They’ve invested so much money in a pair that they take every precaution possible: condition them properly twice a month, give them a rest-day between wears, store them with a shoe-tree to keep the leather flexible, blah blah blah.

I make my boots work. They need to be able to handle weather that changes five to six times in a single day, walking four to five miles in negative temperatures, and through some surprise puddles. The workhorses among my collection are my Golden Fox moc toe boots. These shoes are an extraordinarily good value for the quality of construction and materials, and they are the best boots I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. Let me tell you why.

Style – 5/5

The moc toe work boot has been an iconic style since it was introduced to the US by Red Wing with their classic 8-inch 877. The style was wildly popular with American workers, and due to demand for a shorter design, the 6-inch 875 was born. Since then, boot makers across the country (and world) have been developing their own version of the style.

Golden Fox Footwear’s cut of the moc toe boot is not revolutionary, but also not a clone of the Red Wing 875. The model I own is the OG600M-E in the color Brun, which they released in 2015. The silhouette is akin to the 875, with a strong toe box and vintage, rectangular shape. IN addition, the horizontal stitching contrasts very nicely with the leather, and the color itself is striking but not distracting, so it won’t pull attention from other Valentines_fit
key pieces in your outfit. (For all the gingers out there, they compliment your hair very nicely.)

While these boots are extremely versatile, you shouldn’t be wearing these with a suit. They have a rugged, heritage style that works best with other workwear pieces, such as raw denim, heavy flannels, and canvas jackets. That being said, don’t be afraid to push the limits. Wear them with a fitted sweater and a collared shirt, so long as you wear denim or casual chinos as well. Trousers are generally a no-go.

Quality – 4/5

I put these boots through a lot. I mean a lot. They are my go-to boots for everyday Montana winter wear. I’m slogging through snow, slush, rain, and hail — sometimes all on the same day. Back and forth across campus all day long, as well as the commute before and after classes. Through all of that torture these boots have not blinked once. sidewall.pngThey’ve never flooded with water, never hurt my feet, and the leather has not cracked in a single place. The inside lining keeps my feet warm during the sub-zero days, but not too hot when it creeps up in the 60s (Fahrenheit).

It’s worth noting that these have a plastic welt. Though they’ve cracked in a couple places, it hasn’t suffered any major damage. I anticipate that I’ll be sending them out for repairs at some point next winter. I’m also positive that Golden Fox will have my back when the time comes.

Patina – 5/5

PatinaThese boots look incredible. After putting them through everything I have, the leather has picked up some seriously gorgeous patina. There’s bits of indigo bleed at the top, the sidewalls have gained a rich, dark color, and the leather has softened up so much that it’s not uncommon for my friends to remark on it when they touch my boots. (That sounds weird now that I wrote it down, but I promise it’s not.) Every month I am happier and happier with the way these look, and I am terribly excited to see what they look like after a couple more winters.

Value – 4/5

At a $130 these boots are simply a really good deal. If you have the patience to catch them on-sale for $90-100, they are an incredibly good deal. There’s many reasons these are my favorite boots in my (albeit meager) collection, and one of them is that they don’t break the bank. Golden Fox have created a masterful pair of work boots that are as gentle on your wallet as they are on your feet.

Total – 4.5/5snow_jump.png

These boots are most certainly Worth a Damn. Don’t expect all reviews to get this high of a score; this is an extraordinary score. I am continuously impressed with these boots, and they will remain in my rotation for a long time to come. If you are interested in the moc toe style, I highly recommend picking up a pair.

You can find the exact model I own on their website here.



  1. Thorough review and quite a pleasure to read! Not many reviewers take the time to offer advice on wardrobe to go along with whatever they’re reviewing; I appreciate that.
    I’m sure you didn’t mean to imply that caring for boots equals babying them. Time to dry between wears and proper conditioning can greatly extend the life of a pair of boots. That said, I love seeing how you put this pair through the trials. The very best way to learn the durability of a boot maker’s product is from people like you who put them to the test and report on it.
    Keep it up my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I certainly did not mean to imply that, and you’re right! Proper boot care is absolutely essential in elongating the life of any pair. By ‘babying’ I more meant the people who are so concerned about keeping their boots in pristine condition that it gets in the way of simply wearing them.

      Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed.


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